Charlotte Playsets offers is a full-service playground safety surface provider. We carry a full selection of loose-fill playground mulches, unitary safety surfacing, and accessories. We also provide a range of services, including playground surface installation, maintenance and repair.
We understand the importance of playground safety surfacing for both the beauty of your playground and the safety of the children who play there. Our employees are trained on Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) recommendations and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements such as use zones, critical heights and wheelchair accessibility.
Besides its numerous benefits Rubber Mulch helps the environment by keeping old tires from winding up in landfills or dumps.
Rubber Mulch is ideal for commercial, municipal and residential use. Choose from a variety of mulch colors and options for your play area, landscaping and even horse arenas.
For more information about different types of Kids Mulch, click here.